3 Types of Asteroids – Explained

Asteroids are large pieces of rock floating in space. Most of the asteroids found in our Solar System are in the Asteroid Belt. The 3 main types of asteroids are C, S, and M type asteroids. The asteroids are put into these categories based on their composition or what they are made out of. Let’s start off with C-type asteroids. The C stands for Carbon. These types of asteroids are mostly made out of Carbon. They are also the most common type of asteroid. Next is S-type asteroids. The S stands for stony. These asteroids are made out of nickel, iron and magnesium-silicates or stony materials. Lastly, we have M-type asteroids. The M stands for metallic. These asteroids are made out of many types of metals such as iron and nickel. These are the 3 main types of asteroids!