
Summer Solstice 2024!

The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is today, June 20th! What exactly is the summer solstice? The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. It marks the

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Why Do Pennies Turn Green?

You’ve probably noticed that some of the old pennies sitting in your piggy-bank are covered in dirt and this mysterious blue-green substance. That is copper oxide! Copper naturally turns green

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Happy Earth Day! 2024

Senator Gaylord Nelson wanted to make a day where people could recognize and care for the environment! The first Earth Day began in 1970 and it grew even more! People

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Atlanta Science Festival 2024!

The Atlanta Science Festival is happening soon! I am an ambassador for the festival and if you live in or around Atlanta, this is a great place to learn about science and technology around you! There are 100+ events in the metro Atlanta area.

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Recap of 2023!

Let’s review the recap of 2023 for Spectacular Science! In 2023, I published 35+ episodes! In July, I released the Spectacular Science Fun Fact Generator, a site that randomly

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Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse! 2023

The “ring of fire” annular solar eclipse was earlier today! Check out yesterday’s post for more information. I watched the eclipse from where I live (with solar viewing glasses, of

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Diamonds Vs. Graphite!

Graphite and diamonds are both made out of Carbon. Carbon is a very abundant element. But, why is diamond stronger than graphite if they are made out of the same

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Video Podcasts on YouTube!

In the premiere of my new season, I showed viewers on YouTube a new format of my podcast! It is video podcasts! These video podcasts have clips of me, engaging

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Happy Earth Day! 2023

Check out this short video about Earth Day on the Spectacular Science YouTube Channel here! Gaylord Nelson. He wanted to make a day where people could recognize and care

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The Atlanta Science Festival!

If you live around the Atlanta area, you will love the Atlanta Science festival! It is full of fun science activities for all ages. The festival is from March 10th – 25th!

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How Are Black Holes Formed?

A black hole is a place in space that is extremely dense and has a strong gravitational pull. This is because a lot of matter has been squeezed into a tiny space.

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How Does Snow Happen?

The white, powdery precipitation called snow is a winter’s delight! It falls from the sky as snowflakes. One condition is the temperature. It has to be below freezing or below

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The Three Types of Tears!

Tears are water that come from our eyes. But, there are actually different types of tears: basal, emotional, and reflex. Basal tears keep your eyes from drying out. They supply

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What Is Gravity?

Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. The force of gravity keeps all of the planets in orbit around the Sun and

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What Is Cellular Respiration?

Cellular respiration is the set of chemical reactions that break down glucose from our food into ATP or andosine triphosphate. The ATP is energy for the body. Cellular respiration requires

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How Do We Breathe?

We breathe using our respiratory system and our lungs. Our lungs help humans breathe in Oxygen and breathe out Carbon dioxide. The lungs use tiny parts, called alveoli to help

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Happy International Podcast Day!

Happy International Podcast Day! On September 30th, 2022, we recognize podcasts and podcasters of their work and spreading their stories with the world. I am so happy that my podcast

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How Do Electrical Wires Work?

This is because the material inside of the wires is a conductor. Conductors are materials that electrons can travel through easily. Conductors are usually made out of metals. Conductors are

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Why Is REM Sleep Important?

REM Sleep or Rapid Eye Movement Sleep is a very important stage for human health. REM Sleep is the stage when your brain is active, dreams occur, and your eyes move back

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What Are Chemical Bonds?

Chemical bonds are when two or more atoms bond or stick together to form molecules that make up all the things around us! If there were no bonds, everything would

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What Is The Nitrogen Cycle!

Nitrogen is an element that very common on Earth. In fact, nitrogen makes up most of the air that we breathe in. This nitrogen actually cycles through different forms and

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What Are Ocean Currents?

Ocean currents are rivers of water that move around the world. There are deep ocean currents and surface currents. Deep ocean currents are caused by differences the water’s density. Density

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What Is The Carbon Cycle?

Carbon is a very common element on Earth! It is found in living things and is also found in the ocean, the air, and in the ground. Carbon is able

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What Causes Snow?

The white, powdery precipitation called snow is a winter’s delight! It falls from the sky as snowflakes. One condition is the temperature. It has to be below freezing or below

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How Does Earth Support Life?

There are a few reasons why Earth is the only planet in the Solar System to support life. One is that Earth is located in the “Goldilocks Zone” from the Sun. The

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All About The Arctic!

When you talk about the North Pole, it can mean the North Magnetic Pole or the North Geographic Pole. In this post, we are going to focus on the North

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What Is The Galaxy That We Live In?

We live in the Milky Way galaxy!! Galaxies are large collections of stars, planets, asteroids, comets, and other space material like gases and dust held together by gravity. The Milky

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The Providence Canyon in Georgia!

Providence Canyon State Park in Georgia is home to Providence Canyon, also known as “The Little Grand Canyon”. This canyon formed because of clearcutting of trees and farming. The land’s history

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What Is Mechanical Weathering?

Weathering is the breaking down of rock by many natural agents like water, wind, and gravity. Mechanical Weathering is when rocks are broken down without a chemical change. They are changing

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Why Does Copper Turn Green?

Copper naturally turns green over time as it reacts with Oxygen in the air. This chemical reaction is known as oxidation. The Oxygen and some water in the atmosphere react

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How Does Recycling Work?

Recycling is the process of making used or old things into new things. Recycling usually happens with some plastics, glass, and paper. They melt/shred the materials and make new objects

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What Is Green Energy?

Green Energy means a way to make power without polluting the atmosphere. Most power plants today use coal and gasoline to generate electricity. When they burn coal and gasoline, it

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What Causes Day And Night?

It may seem simple, but the day and night cycle on Earth has lots of moving parts that work together. Let’s start out with the Earth. The Earth spins on

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Why Is Hair Important?

Hair is a strand of string protein that grows out of hair follicles or tiny sacs in your skin. Hair is made up of keratin, the same material your fingernails

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What Are Cells?

Cells are the makeup of every living thing! There are two types of cells: plant and animal cells. We are going to talk about Cells in general. Cells make energy

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How Do Sponges Absorb Water?

Sponges are used by humans every day, from washing the dishes to cleaning up a mess! Some sponges are natural, but others are artificially made. In this post, we will

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What Causes Friction?

Friction is a force that happens when two or more objects are rubbed together. This can break the object, generate heat, or make sounds. Friction is a force that blocks

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What Causes Meteor Showers?

Meteors are small bits of rock that enter Earth’s atmosphere and sometimes land on the ground. Meteors are also known as “shooting stars”. Meteor showers are caused by comets. Comets

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What Makes The Sky Appear Blue?

The Visible light spectrum is the different colors in the white light that we see. The different colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. You can see

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What Do Plants Use Sunlight For?

Plants need sunlight because plants use the Sun to make food. Chlorophyll helps plants collect the sunlight. Chlorophyll is made up of even smaller parts called Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts have a

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What Is Coral Bleaching?

Some of the coral in the ocean is actually losing its color! This is called coral bleaching and this happens when the oceans get too hot for the coral. Coral

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What Makes Some Plastics Clear?

Plastic is a type of polymer. Polymers are certain materials that have atoms that are bonded together in a link pattern. Atoms are the tiny building blocks of all elements.

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What Is A Supermoon?

A supermoon is an astronomical event when the Moon is in the closest point to Earth in its orbit. From Earth, the Moon looks bigger and brighter during a supermoon.

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What Are Placebos?

Placebos are used in clinical trials. Placebos are fake medicines or vaccines that help researchers compare people who took the medicine with people who just got a fake medication. Placebos

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What Is The Global Conveyor Belt?

The Global Conveyor Belt is a series of ocean currents that move water around the world! Currents are rivers of moving water that are caused by differences in density. Density

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Why Do Hummingbirds Hover?

If you have not seen a hummingbird before, it is a tiny bird and it hovers in place like a helicopter! That is the hummingbird’s specialty! Hummingbirds can hover for

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How Is Sand Turned Into Glass?

Glass is a transparent material used in plates, cups, windows, and even art! Glass is made from natural raw materials such as sand and limestone. Those materials are melted down

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How Do Rockets Work?

A rocket is basically a vehicle that uses Newton’s Third Law to send things into space. Rockets are filled with fuel and when that fuel is lighted on fire, it

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Spectacular Science is on YouTube!

Spectacular Science is now on YouTube! You can get experiment videos, episodes, and much more by subscribing to the Spectacular Science YouTube channel! Click here to Subscribe! By subscribing, you

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Why Is Glue Sticky?

Glue is any liquids that can be applied to a surface and harden over time. Glue can be used for crafts, construction, or even surgery! Different types of glue are

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How Did The Planets Form?

Planets are large objects that orbit or circle around a star, like the Sun! Planets can be made up of rocks and gases. Our Solar System is made out of

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How Are Rainbows Created?

Rainbows are optical illusions that happen when light bends in water droplets and splits into different colors. Those colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. White light

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What Are Electrical Circuits?

A circuit is a path that current electricity or electrons can flow through. Current electricity is a type of human-made electricity. A simple circuit is made out of four parts:

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How Do Electric Cars Work?

Electric cars work differently from regular gasoline-powered cars. Regular cars work using an Internal Combustion Engine that creates a small, controlled explosion inside of the engine. That moves a piston

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What Are Trees?

 Trees are large plants that have a long life cycle. That’s why they are so big. The parts of trees are roots, the trunk, branches, and leaves. The leaves take

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How Does Echolocation Work?

Echolocation is when animals locate objects using sound. Bats, dolphins, and other animals use echolocation. First, the animal makes a sound, which is usually high pitched. This helps the sound travel farther

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What Is Evaporation?

Water, or H20, is a liquid that is found all over the Earth! Water can be in different states of matter: solids, liquids, and gases. Water vapor, or steam, is

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How Plastic Is Made!!

Plastic is a type of polymer. Polymers are certain materials that have atoms that are bonded together in a link pattern. Atoms are the tiny building blocks of all elements.

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What Is Saharan Dust?

Sahara Dust is debris such as sand, smoke, soot, and dirt that comes from the Sahara Desert in Africa. The Sahara Desert takes up 3.552 million square miles!! The Saharan Air Layer (SAL)

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What Is A Leaf Made Out Of?

Inside of a leaf, there are passageways that water and nutrients can travel through, but the most important and dominant part of the leaves are the chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is made

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What Is A Lunar Eclipse?

This happens during Lunar Eclipses. A Lunar Eclipse is when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. The Sun is shining on the Earth and the Moon is behind the

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How Do Ballpoint Pens Work?

Pens work differently from pencils. Read more about pencils here! In this post, we are going to focus on the most common type of pen: the ballpoint pen. All pens use

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How Do We Hear Sounds?

Sound waves are what sound travels in! They are little vibrations of air that travel through a medium or a material that it is travelling through. Sound waves are why

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The Phases of the Moon!

Our Moon is a natural satellite. This is a natural object that orbits or circles around a planet or star. The Moon is believed to have been an irregular piece

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What Is Coral?

Coral is often mistaken for a rock because of its hard surface! Many think it is a plant because it is rooted in the ground. Coral is a group of animals!!

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What Are White Dwarf Stars?

A white dwarf is what stars become after they have used up their fuel. Near the end of its burning stage, this type of star releases most of its outer

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Why Is Rubber So Flexible?

Rubber is a natural product, produced by plants, and is used in many of the things we use every day! Rubber is a type of polymer. Polymers are certain materials

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What Are Exoplanets?

Planets are large objects that orbit or circle around a star, like the Sun! Planets can be made up of rocks and gases. Our Solar System is made out of

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What Is The Kuiper Belt?

The Kuiper Belt is a donut-shaped region of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. Pluto is one of these objects found in the Kuiper Belt! There may be millions

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How Do Pens Write?

Pens work differently from pencils. Read more about pencils here! In this post, we are going to focus on the most common type of pen: the ballpoint pen. All pens

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How Does Density Change?

Density is the amount of “stuff” (molecules and atoms) that are packed into one space. Objects’ density can be found by dividing the mass (weight) of an object by the volume

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What Is Light?

Light is a type of energy that is made up of tiny particles called photons. These photons can zip around the universe at very high speeds! The speed of light

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What Causes A Chemical Reaction?

Chemical reactions are when two or more materials combine to make a new material! The two materials usually react with each other, producing that new material. This happens when molecular

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How Are Pencils Able To Write?

Pencil tips are made out of graphite. Graphite molecules are flat groups of carbon atoms that are stacked in layers. If you were to zoom in on the graphite, the graphite would be organized

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What Are Dwarf Planets?

Dwarf planets are similar to the planets we know, but they are still different. Dwarf planets have enough mass to clump themselves in to an almost-round shape, just like planets.

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What Is Run-Off Of Water?

Run-off is when precipitation (snow, rain sleet, or hail) hits the ground and drains into rivers, lakes, and oceans. This run-off is what causes accumulations or build-ups of water. Run-off

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What Is Density?

Density is the amount of “stuff” (molecules and atoms) that are packed into one space. Objects’ density can be found by dividing the mass (weight) of an object by the volume

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What Are Vascular Plants?

Vascular plants are plants that have a series of tubes running through their stem/trunk to their leaves. These tubes or veins are what a plant uses to transport nutrients through

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What Is A Stethoscope?

A stethoscope is a instrument used by doctors and other medical specialists. It is used to measure people’s heartbeat and their breathing. It is placed on the area where the heart is or on the back. A modern stethoscope is made up of a

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What Is A Neutron Star?

Neutron stars are formed when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses in on itself. The core of the star collapses, crushing together ever proton and electron into

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What Are Atoms?

Atoms are the microscopic building blocks of the universe. They make up almost ANY material including solids, liquids, and gases! A human has more than 1 billion atoms! Atoms have

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How Do We Taste Things?

Taste is one of our 5 senses. It is how we think food tastes in our mouth. There are a few types of tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and savory

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How Are Clouds Helpful?

Clouds are large collections of water droplets that can be frozen, but only sometimes. They form due to condensation, when water evaporates into a gas and cools down above the

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What Are Constellations?

A constellation is a group of stars that have been associated with a shape. This helps humans recognize stars and groups of stars easier. Stars are giant burning balls of

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What Is A Supernova?

A supernova is a powerful explosion of a star when it dies. Stars are giant balls of gas in space. The stars are very hot! They can be up to

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What Is A Comet?

Comets are giant balls of rocks and ice that orbit a star. They are made up of 3 main parts: the nucleus, the coma, and the tail. The nucleus of

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What Are Owls?

Owls are nocturnal birds that live on every continent, except Antarctica. They are flying birds that eat small rodents and other small birds. Owls are carnivores, meaning that they ONLY eat meat.

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What Is The Planet Mars?

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is a terrestrial planet which means it is made out of rocks and metals. It is named after the Roman God

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What Is The Nervous System?

The nervous system is the collection of all the nerves in your body and its function is to receive and send information on what’s going with the body. The nervous

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What Are The 3 Types of Heat Transfer?

Heat transfer is the spread of heat between objects. There are three types: conduction, radiation, and convection. Conduction is heat that is transferred through direct contact. Conductors are materials that

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How Do The Continents Move?

They move thanks to convection currents. Convection currents all start with density. Density is how much “stuff” (atoms and molecules) that are packed into one thing. If something has a

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How Do Cumulonimbus Clouds Form?

Cumulonimbus clouds are storm clouds. Clouds are large collections of water droplets that can be frozen, but only sometimes. They form due to condensation, when water evaporates into a gas

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What Are Cumulus Clouds?

Cumulus clouds are fluffy, white clouds that float high in the sky. They usually mean that the day is going to be sunny and there will be good weather. These

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How Do Tornadoes Form?

Tornadoes are a rotating column of air that spins very fast. They are made up of a giant cloud that stretches from above to the ground. Tornadoes can have violent

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The Planet Jupiter!

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. It comes after the Asteroid Belt. It is a gas giant which means it is mostly made out of gases like Hydrogen

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How Does Sand Form?

Sand is just rock that has been eroded. Erosion is when wind, water, or other natural agent wears away at rock and takes it to a new place. This take

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How Do Plants Know When To Grow?

Plants know when to grow because of the change in temperature. As spring approaches, there will be an increase in temperature because the Earth is tilted towards the Sun. The

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What Is Biofuel?

Biofuel is a form of renewable fuel that is made from recently lifeless or now living biological material (living things). Humans can convert plants and animal waste into energy that

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How Does Photosynthesis Work?

Photosynthesis is the process of taking sunlight and Carbon dioxide and making it into Oxygen gas and sugar! The word “photo” means light. Photosynthesis is used by green plants, algae,

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What Are Viruses?

A virus is infectious object that depends on living organisms’ cells to multiply. They are bad for living organisms and take over cells. Viruses infect a body and travel to

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What Causes Sea-Level Rise?

Sea-level rise is when the ice caps of the Earth make the ocean waters rise. The ice caps of the Earth are the North and South poles. Because of Climate

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Why Do Onions Make Us Cry?

When we cut onions, they make us produce tears. The onion has developed this defense to defend it from predators that might try to eat it! Each tiny cell of

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What Is Dry Ice Made Out Of?

Dry ice is not just regular ice, it is special! Dry ice is the solid or frozen form of Carbon Dioxide. This means that the gas called Carbon Dioxide was

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How Do Markers Work?

Markers can be permanent, easily rubbed off, and even have lots of scents! Markers bring color to our world. But, all of the action is actually happening inside of the

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What Are The 3 Types of Tears?

Tears are water that come from our eyes. But, there are actually different types of tears: basal, emotional, and reflex. Basal tears keep your eyes from drying out. They supply

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How Does Hair Grow?

Hair is a strand of string protein that grows out of hair follicles or tiny sacs in your skin. Hair is made up of keratin, the same material your fingernails

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How Does Popcorn Pop?

Popcorn is a delicious snack that is portable and customizable! But, how does popcorn actually pop? It is all because of pressure. Inside of a kernel of popcorn, there is

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What Is Glue Made Of?

Glue is any liquids that can be applied to a surface and harden over time. Glue can be used for crafts, construction, or even surgery! Different types of glue are

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How Do Tectonic Plates On Earth Move?

They move thanks to convection currents. Convection currents all start with density. Density is how much “stuff” (atoms and molecules) that are packed into one thing. If something has a

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How Do Tides Work?

Tides are when ocean water moves up and down the coast. There is high tide and low tide. High tide is when the water moves up the coast or advances.

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What Is An Asteroid?

Asteroids are small and rocky objects that orbit around the Sun. They are smaller than planets, but are pretty big. There are lots of asteroids in our solar system. Most

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What Is The Mid-Atlantic Ridge?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a divergent tectonic plate boundary that is on the ocean floor. A divergent boundary is when two tectonic plates move apart from each other. In this

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How Does Hydroelectricity Work?

Hydroelectricity or hydropower is a way of harnessing water in order to make electricity! This is a renewable source of power. Renewable resources are resources that can be replaced and

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How Do Pencils Work?

Pencil tips are made out of graphite. Graphite molecules are flat groups of carbon atoms that are stacked in layers. If you were to zoom in on the graphite, the

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What Are Warm-Blooded Animals?

Warm-blooded animals always have a fixed body temperature and is always different from the outside temperature. Most warm-blooded animals are vertebrates. Vertebrates are animals with a backbone. The backbone is

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What Are Cold-Blooded Animals?

Cold-blooded animals are animals that rely on the outdoor temperature to determine their own body temperature. Most cold-blooded animals are invertebrates. Invertebrates are animals without a backbone. That means that

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How Do Ocean Waves Form?

 Waves are created by energy passing through water, causing it to move in a circular motion. However, water does not actually travel in waves. Waves transmit energy, not water, across the

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What Is Rubber?

Rubber is a natural product, produced by plants, and is used in many of the things we use every day! Rubber is a type of polymer. Polymers are certain materials

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What Is Camouflage In Animals?

Instead of standing out in a crowd, some animals like to blend in with their surroundings. That is called camouflage! Camouflage is used by animals to hide from predators and

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What Are Black Holes?

A black hole is a place in space that is extremely dense and has a strong gravitational pull. This is because a lot of matter has been squeezed into a

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What Is Yeast?

Yeast is a eukaryote, a living thing, like us, and is a type of fungi. The cool thing about yeast is that it is a unicellular organism, or single-celled, but

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What Is Deforestation?

Deforestation is when people cut down large areas of forests. These trees are cut down in a way called clearcutting. Clearcutting is when all of the trees in the area

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What Causes Smog?

Smog is a type of air pollution that usually blankets cities. The word smog comes from the mixture of smoke and fog. Smog usually happens when pollutants like Carbon dioxide

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What Are Severe Thunderstorms?

Thunderstorms are storms with cumulonimbus or storm clouds. The clouds have water inside of them and the water pours down on the ground below. Thunderstorms can also have heavy winds.

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Why Do Objects Slow Down?

It is all because of friction. Friction is a force that happens when two or more objects are rubbed together. This can break the object, generate heat, or make sounds.

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What Are The Ways Moons Can Form?

A moon is a natural satellite that orbits around a larger object like a planet. A natural satellite is different from a human made satellite because natural satellites are produced

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What Is Land Pollution?

Land pollution is when humans spill or throw things that are not natural on the land. This can cause harm. Many people litter on land which can be toxic to

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What Is Water Pollution?

Water pollution is when humans dump trash and harmful or toxic chemicals into waterways like oceans, streams, rivers, and ponds. This trash and chemicals can cause problems for marine life.

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What Is Air Pollution?

Air pollution is when humans put toxic chemicals or smoke into the air. This can make our air dirty. This can lead to breathing problems for humans and other animals.

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What Are Reptiles?

Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrate (has a backbone) animals. Reptiles are ectothermic, meaning that they rely on the Sun’s energy to heat them up and match the temperature in the air

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What Are Amphibians?

Amphibians are a group of animals that live part of their lives in water and part on land! They are cold-blooded, small invertebrates that need water or a moist environment

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What Are Mirrors?

Mirrors are sheets of aluminum or silver that are coated in glass. Mirrors work using reflection. Reflection is a property of light. This is when light bounces off a surface.

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What Is Evapotranspiration?

Evapotranspiration is the process of evaporation and transpiration combined. Evaporation is when water evaporates from the ground. This is when the sunlight heats the water and turns it into a

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What Are The Parts of An Atom?

Atoms are the microscopic building blocks of the universe. They make up almost ANY material including solids, liquids, and gases! A human has more than 1 billion atoms! Atoms have

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What Is Adhesion of Water?

Adhesion is a property that water has. Adhesion means that water molecules like to “stick” to other water molecules and other things. That is actually why water forms in round

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How Do We Smell?

The human sense of smell is really complex! It’s not just your nose: it is actually a combination of your brain and your nose cells working together. It all starts

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How Is Glass Made?

Glass is a transparent material used in plates, cups, windows, and even art! Glass is made from natural raw materials such as sand and limestone. Those materials are melted down

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What Are Natural Plastics?

Natural plastics are any natural material that has the polymer structure. That is a structure that has a chain of molecules. Natural plastics were used before human-made plastics were invented.

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What Causes Seasons?

Seasons are different climate patterns that happen throughout different times in a year! Places on Earth experience seasons at different times. Some seasons are noticeable and others are not. We

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What Are Snowflakes?

The first snow of the season is really exciting! The snow piles up on the ground, making so many possibilities for fun, from building snowmen to having a snowball fight!!

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What Is Mount Everest?

Located on the border of Tibet and Nepal, Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. It reaches a height of 8,848 meters above sea level, which is equal to the height of 5.5 miles! Mount

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What Are Glaciers?

Glaciers are large moving rivers of ice. Glaciers form when snow is compressed into a large object that is made of ice. This only happens where the temperature doesn’t reach

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What Is The Milky Way?

The Milky Way is a galaxy. Galaxies are large collections of stars, planets, asteroids, comets, and other space material like gases and dust held together by gravity. The Milky Way

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How Do Electric Stoves Work?

Electric stoves are now used in place of gas stoves because they can heat things more evenly. Electric stoves used electricity to heat up and cook food. When you turn

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How Does Hand Sanitizer Work?

Hand sanitizer is a quick and easy way to disinfect your hands. It kills bacteria and viruses that might make you sick, right on your hands! But, hand sanitizer doesn’t

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The Moon Changes Colors! How?

This happens during Lunar Eclipses. A Lunar Eclipse is when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. The Sun is shining on the Earth and the Moon is behind the

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What Are Sound Waves?

Sound Waves are what sound travels in! They are little vibrations of air that travel through a medium or a material that it is travelling through. Sound Waves are why

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How Do Incandescent Lights Work?

Incandescent lights were the first type of lightbulb to be created. They are different from LED Lights. Read our post about LED Lights to learn more! Incandescent lights work with

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Density is the amount of “stuff” (molecules and atoms) that are packed into one space. Objects’ density can be found by dividing the mass (weight) of an object by the volume

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What Are Convection Currents?

Convection currents are the movement of hot and cold things. Convection currents all start with density. Density is how much “stuff” (atoms and molecules) that are packed into one thing.

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What Is Oxygen?

Oxygen or O2 is a chemical found in the universe. Humans need Oxygen to survive. Oxygen is in our atmosphere and the air that we breathe!! Oxygen helps the animals on

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What Are Chemical Reactions?

Chemical reactions are when two or more materials combine to make a new material! The two materials usually react with each other, producing that new material. A great example is

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How Do Electromagnets Work?

Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts or repels certain objects. Magnets attract or repel things made out of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Objects are magnetic because the electrons, which

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Why Is The Arctic Shrinking?

The Arctic, or the North Pole is actually shrinking! It’s ice thickness has reduced by 80% since 1980 and is rapidly reducing in size. This is all because of the

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How Do Telescopes Work?

Telescopes are devices that let people see things that are far away. People at sea also use telescopes. Telescopes are most commonly used to look at space. The inventor of

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How Do Our Eyes Work?

We use our eyes every day to see the world around us! Our eyes are the parts of our body that help us see. When we see things, what we’re

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How Do LED Lights Work?

LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode! LED lights work because the jumping of electrons creates photons, or light. Electrons, which make up electricity, jump from an electron full side to an

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What Is REM Sleep?

REM Sleep or Rapid Eye Movement Sleep is a very important stage for human health. REM sleep is the stage when your brain is active, dreams occur, and your eyes move back

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How Do Rocks Form?

Rocks are collections of minerals and sediment. They can form in many different ways, but we are going to focus on three of the ways. The first is cooling magma.

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What Does Our Heart Do?

The heart is a part of your body that pumps blood around your body. This helps all of your other body parts like your brain function. The heart also regulates

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What is Lead Contamination?

Lead (pronounced l-e-d) contamination is when Lead, a poisonous chemical gets into the water that we drink or take baths in. Water can dissolve materials very easily. This is bad

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What Are Galaxies?

Galaxies are large collections of stars, planets, asteroids, comets, and other space material like gases and dust. Stars are giant balls of gas in space. The stars are very hot!

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How Can Sounds Be Loud or Soft?

Sound Waves are what sound travels in! They are little vibrations of air that travel through a medium or a material that it is travelling through. Sound Waves are why

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What Is A Circuit?

A circuit is a path that current electricity or electrons can flow through. Current electricity is a type of human-made electricity. A simple circuit is made out of four parts:

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What Are Magnetic Domains?

Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts or repels certain objects. Magnets attract or repel things made out of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Objects are magnetic because the electrons, which

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How Do Earthquakes Happen?

Earthquakes are energy that is released in the tectonic plate boundaries. Tectonic plates are giant slabs of rock that move around! The crust (outermost layer of the Earth) is made

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How Are Mountains Formed?

Mountains are tall slabs of rock that pop up on the crust. Mountains can be very tall or very small, depending on how they are formed. Mountains can form because

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How Do Mirrors Work?

Light is a type of energy that is made up of tiny particles called photons. These photons can zip around the universe at very high speeds! The speed of light

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What is Steam?

Steam is the vapor that we see when water evaporates or turns from a liquid to a gas. When this happens, the molecules of water drift farther and farther apart

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What Are Molecules?

Molecules are connections or bonds between atoms. Atoms are the microscopic building blocks of the universe. They make up almost ANY material including solids, liquids, and gases! A human has

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How Do Sinkholes Form?

Sinkholes are large holes in the ground that form when water seeps into the ground. Limestone, a type of rock can dissolve very easily in water. As the water seeps

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How Do Birds Fly?

Bird wings are shaped in a unique way, so that they create pressure differential or tiny tornadoes on their wings. When birds want to fly, the pressure is greater on

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Hurricanes! What They Are

Hurricanes are a group of storm clouds that create a very dangerous storm. If you see a hurricane from space, you will see a giant swirling cloud. Hurricanes can bring

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What is Bernoulli’s Principle?

Daniel Bernoulli was a famous scientist and discovered or property or principle of fluids and air. The thing that Bernoulli discovered that… Fast moving air creates an area of low

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What is Acid Rain?

Acid rain is rain that has pollutants in it. It usually has air pollutants inside of it. Air pollution is when humans put toxic chemicals or smoke into the air.

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How Do Fireworks Work?

Today is Diwali, also known as The Festival of Lights! People light fireworks and sparklers to celebrate! In this post, we are looking at a specific type of firework: the

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What Are Bacteria?

Bacteria are single-celled organisms or living things. They are also called microorganisms. They are called this because microorganisms are living things that can not be seen with the naked eye.

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What Are Invertebrate Animals?

Invertebrates are animals without a backbone. That means that they are the opposite of vertebrate animals. Invertebrates make up 95% if the Earth’s animals! Some invertebrates have a hard covering

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What Are Vertebrate Animals?

Vertebrates (pronounced ver-ti-brates) are animals with a backbone. The backbone is also known as the vertebrate! The backbone is a row of connected bones that run down the back. Vertebrates

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What Is Neon?

Neon (Ne) is a colorless and odorless gas that makes up 18% of the air that we breathe! Neon is a noble gas, which means that it does not mix

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How Do Cars Work?

Cars move thanks to the Internal Combustion Engine. The Internal Combustion Engine is a real mouthful to say. The Internal Combustion Engine is a mechanism found in trucks, cars, and

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How Does Water Evaporate?

Water, or H20, is a liquid that is found all over the Earth! Water can be in different states of matter: solids, liquids, and gases. Water vapor, or steam, is

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How Are Sand Dunes Formed?

Have you ever seen a picture of a desert? Did the picture have these sand “waves”? Those wavy hill structures are called Sand Dunes. Sand Dunes are big hill-like piles

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What Are River Deltas?

A River Delta is a type of wetland where a river flows into a larger body of water like an ocean or lake. Deltas can be different sizes. They can

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What Are Asteroids?

Asteroids are small rocky objects that orbit the Sun. Asteroids are NOT planets. Asteroids come in all shapes and sizes and have irregular shapes. Asteroids can be made up of

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What is a Microphone?

A microphone is a device that makes sound waves into electrical signals. These electrical signals are stored inside of a computer or other recording device. I actually use a podcast

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What is Hail?

Hail is a type of frozen precipitation. Precipitation is part of the water cycle. Precipitation is when the liquid water falls to the ground. This happens when a cloud becomes heavy

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What Are the Two Types of Weathering?

Weathering is the breaking down of rock by many natural agents like water, wind, and gravity. There are two types of weathering: Mechanical and Chemical Weathering. Mechanical Weathering is when

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What is The Rock Cycle?

The Rock Cycle is the transformation of rocks over time. The different types of rock that are in the cycle are metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous. Igneous rocks are formed by

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What is Soil?

Soil is just rock that has been weathered. Weathering is when wind, water, or other natural agent wears away at rock. This take millions of years to happen. As the

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Why Is Water Important For Life?

Water is a substance that is found everywhere on Earth! It can be a solid, liquid, or gas. It is necessary for life on Earth. It’s chemical compound is H2O. That means

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What’s Inside Of A Leaf?

Inside of a leaf, there are passageways that water and nutrients can travel through, but the most important and dominant part of the leaves are the chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is made

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What Makes Something Magnetic?

Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts or repels certain objects. Magnets attract or repel things made out of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Magnets have 2 poles: a North and

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What is Friction?

Friction is a force that happens when two or more objects are rubbed together. This can break the object, generate heat, or make sounds. Friction is a force that blocks

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What is Magnetism?

Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts or repels certain objects. Magnets attract or repel things made out of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Objects are magnetic because the electrons, which

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How Does Tidal Power Work?

Tidal power is a type of energy source that uses renewable materials. Renewable means that the natural resources is always there or takes a short amount of time to replace.

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How Does Solar Energy Work?

Solar cells are a sheet filled with hundreds of tiny receptors that are sensitive to the Sun’s energy. The solar cells use these receptors (Photovoltaic Receptors) to create electricity with

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Run-Off of Water

Run-off is when precipitation (snow, rain sleet, or hail) hits the ground and drains into rivers, lakes, and oceans. This run-off is what causes accumulations or build-ups of water. Run-off

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How Do Computers Work?

Computers are all around us. From our laptops to our everyday smartphones. A computer is an electronic device that reads and processes data. The father of a computer was Charles

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The Season of Fall (Autumn)!

Fall or Autumn is a transition season between Summer and Winter. The temperature drops and the leaves on some trees fall off. That is why it is called the Fall

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How Do Lithium Ion Batteries Work?

Batteries provide portable, convenient sources of power without wires. It makes many mobile devices possible! Regular dry cell batteries are the most common, but lithium ion batteries are more reliable and

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Bacteria! Tiny Living Creatures

Bacteria are single-celled organisms or living things. They are also called microorganisms. They are called this because microorganisms are living things that can not be seen with the naked eye.

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Soil is just rock that has been eroded. Erosion is when wind, water, or other natural agent wears away at rock and takes it to a new place. This take

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Galaxies are large collections of stars, planets, asteroids, comets, and other space material like gases and dust. Stars are giant balls of gas in space. The stars are very hot!

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Sand is just rock that has been eroded. Erosion is when wind, water, or other natural agent wears away at rock and takes it to a new place. This take

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Dissolution: Happens Every Day!

Dissolution is when water or another liquid, known as a solvent, dissolves a material, called a solute. Liquids dissolve different materials because the liquids break down the materials and make

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How Do Cheetahs Run So Fast?

A cheetah is a mammal that mostly lives in the African Savanna. It is covered in spots and has black markings under its eyes. Cheetahs are in the genus or

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How Are Moons Formed?

A moon is a natural satellite that orbits around a larger object like a planet. A natural satellite is different from a human made satellite because natural satellites are produced

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How Are Planets Formed?

Planets are large objects that orbit or circle around a star, like the Sun! Planets can be made up of rocks and gases. Our Solar System is made out of

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How Are Auroras Formed?

Auroras are lights that are only found at the North Pole and the South Pole. They light up the night skies with red, blue, and pink colors! These are known

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5 Ways Rocks Can Weather

Weathering is when rocks get broken down into pieces. Weathering can happen in many different ways, from salt to clay to ice! We are going to focus on the 5

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How Do Hurricanes Form?

Hurricanes are a group of storm clouds that create a very dangerous storm. If you see a hurricane from space, you will see a giant swirling cloud. Hurricanes can bring

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The History of the Internet!

The Internet is what you are using right NOW to read this blog post! The Internet is a series of computers that are linked together. Today, millions of computers are

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Nonrenewable Natural Resources

A natural resource is any resource that occurs in nature that is used for survival, energy, or to make money for countries. Certain places on Earth have different types or

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Renewable Natural Resources

A natural resource is any resource that occurs in nature that is used for survival, energy, or to make money for countries. Certain places on Earth have different types or

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Natural Resources!

A natural resource is any resource that occurs in nature that is used for survival, energy, or to make money for countries. Certain places on Earth have different types or

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Neon (Ne) is a colorless and odorless gas that makes up 18% of the air that we breathe! Neon is a noble gas, which means that it does not mix

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How Are Stars Formed?

Stars are giant balls of gas in space. The stars are very hot! They can be up to 800,000 degrees Fahrenheit! Our own Sun is also a star. It supplies

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How Do Electric Rice Cookers Work?

Electric rice cookers work in a similar way as a pressure cooker. Read about pressure cookers here! ( The main parts of a basic electric rice cooker are the outer

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Hail is a type of frozen precipitation. Precipitation is part of the water cycle. Precipitation is when the liquid water falls to the ground. This happens when a cloud becomes heavy

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A vaccine is a weakened or dead virus or bacteria that gets injected in your body. Your immune system cells will fight the “virus” and you will not get sick.

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What is Smoke?

Smoke is usually produced when something is burned. Smoke is made up of bits of soot, and lots of other gases like Carbon dioxide. Smoke can have a variety of

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Virus Alert!!

A virus is infectious object that depends on living organisms’ cells to multiply. They are bad for living organisms and take over cells. Viruses infect a body and travel to

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Diamond Rain!

On Uranus & Neptune, it rains… diamonds?!?!! You might think that it only rains diamonds in fairy tales or movies, but it turns out that it actually rains diamonds on

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Owls! Amazing Birds

Owls are nocturnal birds that live on every continent, except Antarctica. They are flying birds that eat small rodents and other small birds. Owls are carnivores, meaning that they ONLY eat meat.

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Steam is the vapor that we see when water evaporates or turns from a liquid to a gas. When this happens, the molecules of water drift farther and farther apart

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How is Plastic Made?

Plastic is a type of polymer. Polymers are certain materials that have atoms that are bonded together in a link pattern. Atoms are the tiny building blocks of all elements.

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Why are Bees Important?

Bees are important in a lot of ways, but the most important is pollination. Pollen is a sticky substance that is found inside of most flowering plants. Pollen is in

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 Plants and trees are all around us. They are the grass you run on and the trees that are towering above you. Trees are large plants that have a long

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How Does Snow Form?

Snow is a type of precipitation that is frozen. Precipitation is part of the water cycle. Precipitation is when liquid water falls to the ground. This happens when a cloud becomes

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Why Do Flowers Smell Good?

Flowers are an assortment of petals and pollen that a plant produces to reproduce. The pollen of a flower contains the genetic information to make seeds and new plants. Besides being pretty,

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How Do Refrigerators Work?

A Refrigerator is a device that keeps food inside of it cool to preserve it. Here is how a Refrigerator works. First, a fluid called Refrigerant is pumped from a

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What is Erosion?

Erosion is when wind, water, or other natural agent wears away at rock and takes it to a new place. This take millions of years to happen. As the wind

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How Do Rain Clouds Form?

Clouds are large collections of water droplets that can be frozen, but only sometimes. They form due to condensation, when water evaporates into a gas and cools down above the

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How is Paper Recycled?

You use paper just about everywhere you go! Paper was a revolutionary invention because it is used in a countless amount of things: from books, to masks! Paper is just

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The Sun in the Summer!

The Sun is the center of the Solar System. The Sun is a star, just like all of the tiny glowing dots you see in the sky at night. The

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How Do Batteries Work?

Batteries provide portable, convenient sources of power without wires. It makes many mobile devices possible! The common type of battery is called the dry cell battery. There are three parts

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What is Refraction?

Refraction is when light bends or slows down. Light is a type of energy that is made up of tiny particles called photons. These photons can zip around the universe

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Is Cooking a Chemical Change?

Chemical changes are changes in the molecular structure of a substance. Usually in a Chemical Change, a new substance is formed. There are a few indicators that tell you that

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Make Your Own Oobleck!

Oobleck is a Non-Newtonian fluid. What is a Non-Newtonian Fluid? A Non-Newtonian fluid is a substance that behaves like a solid and a liquid! If force is applied to the

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How Do Mountains Form?

Mountains are tall slabs of rock that pop up on the crust. Mountains can be very tall or very small, depending on how they are formed. Mountains can form because

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How Does Soap Work?

We all are using soap a lot these days. But, how does it really work? Well, there are tiny pin-shaped molecules in soap. Those pin-shaped molecules have two parts to

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Why is Climate Change Speeding Up?

What is Climate Change? Climate Change is when the Earth’s temperature changes because of the environment. The temperature is changing because of Greenhouse Gases. These gases are produced whenever we

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Is It Windy In Here??

What is Wind and How is it Made? Wind is air that is moving at high speeds. It happens when warm and cool air rise and sink. That rising and

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How Do Birds Soar in the Air?

How Do Birds Soar in the Air? Bird wings are shaped in a unique way, so that they create pressure differential or tiny tornadoes on their wings. That lifts them

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What Makes a Metal Magnetic?

What Makes a Metal Magnetic? Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts or repels certain objects. Magnets attract or repel things made out of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Magnets have

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Water Pollution: A Big Problem

What is Water Pollution? Water pollution is when humans dump trash and harmful or toxic chemicals into waterways like oceans, streams, rivers, and ponds. This trash and chemicals can cause

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How Do We See Colors?

How Do We See Colors? Let’s start with light. Light can be broken up into a few colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet! When we see white

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Why Do Plants Need Sunlight?

Why Do Plants Need Sunlight? Plants need sunlight because plants use the Sun to make food. Chlorophyll helps plants collect the sunlight. Chlorophyll is made up of even smaller parts

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What is Light? Light is a type of energy that is made up of tiny particles called photons. These photons can zip around the universe at very high speeds! The

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The Scientific Method!

This website is all about science. The podcast is too. But, what is the scientific method that scientists use to conduct experiments! Read this post to find out! What is

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Liquid Nitrogen!

What is Liquid Nitrogen? Nitrogen (N) is a gas that makes up 64% of the air that we breathe! Liquid Nitrogen is the Nitrogen gas that has been supercooled. That

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What is Sea-Level Rise?

What is Sea-Level Rise? Sea-level rise is when the ice caps of the Earth make the ocean waters rise. The ice caps of the Earth are the North and South

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How Do Flowers Turn Into Fruits?

What are Flowers? Flowers are an assortment of petals and pollen that a plant produces to reproduce. The pollen of a flower contains the genetic information to make seeds and new plants.

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What is Dissolution? Dissolution is when water or another liquid, known as a solvent, dissolves a material, called a solute. Liquids dissolve different materials because the liquids break down the

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Chemical Reactions

What are Chemical Reactions? Chemical reactions are when two or more materials combine to make a new material! A great example is when you mix baking soda and vinegar to

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Crush A Soda Can With… Air?!?

Use the experiment video below to do this experiment yourself! Then, read the explanation below the video that tells you what happened. What Happened During the Experiment? When you poured

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What is Plastic? Plastic is a type of polymer. Polymers are certain materials that have atoms that are bonded together in a link pattern. Atoms are the tiny building blocks

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How is Wind Made?

How is Wind Made? Wind is air that is moving at high speeds. It happens when warm and cool air rise and sink. That rising and sinking action makes the

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Sound Waves All Around Us!

What are Sound Waves? Sound Waves are what sound travels in! They are little vibrations of air that travel through a medium or a material that it is travelling through.

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How Do Cars Move?

How Do Cars Move? Cars move thanks to the Internal Combustion Engine. The Internal Combustion Engine is a real mouthful to say. The Internal Combustion Engine is a mechanism found

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What are Stars? Stars are giant balls of gas in space. The stars are very hot! They can be up to 800,000 degrees fahrenheit! Our own Sun is also a

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What is Plastic? Plastic is a type of polymer. Polymers are certain materials that have atoms that are bonded together in a link pattern. Atoms are the tiny building blocks

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What is a Moon? We have written about specific moons like Titan, Europa, and our own Moon! Please check those posts out! We have also done an episode about moons!

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Magnetic Domains!

What is Magnetism? Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts or repels certain objects. Magnets attract or repel things made out of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Objects are magnetic because

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What are Polymers? Polymers are certain materials that have atoms that are bonded together in a link pattern. Atoms are the tiny building blocks of all elements. When atoms bond

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What is Magnetism? Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts or repels certain objects. Magnets attract or repel things made out of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Objects are magnetic because

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What is Magnetism? Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts or repels certain objects. Magnets attract or repel things made out of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Objects are magnetic because

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Severe Thunderstorms

What are Severe Thunderstorms and What Do They Contain? Thunderstorms are storms with cumulonimbus or storm clouds. The clouds have water inside of them and the water pours down on

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What are Molecules? Molecules are connections or bonds between atoms. Atoms are the microscopic building blocks of the universe. They make up almost ANY material including solids, liquids, and gases!

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What is Photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is the process of taking sunlight and Carbon dioxide and making it into Oxygen gas and sugar! The word “photo” means light. Photosynthesis is used by

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Where Does Oxygen Come From?

What is Oxygen? Oxygen or O2 is a chemical found in the universe. Humans need Oxygen to survive. Oxygen is in our atmosphere and the air that we breathe!! Oxygen helps

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Why Are Leaves Green?

Why are Leaves Green? Leaves are green because of a green part of the leaf called Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is made up of even smaller parts called Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts have a

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The Gas State of Matter!

What is Matter? Matter is anything in the universe that is made out of atoms. Atoms are tiny building blocks of all things. Check out our post on atoms! Matter

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The Liquid State of Matter!

What is Matter? Matter is anything in the universe that is made out of atoms. Atoms are tiny building blocks of all things. Check out our post on atoms! Matter

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The Solid State of Matter!

What is Matter? Matter is anything in the universe that is made out of atoms. Atoms are tiny building blocks of all things. Check out our post on atoms! Matter

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What is a Circuit? A circuit is a path that current electricity or electrons can flow through. Current electricity is a type of human-made electricity. A simple circuit is made

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What are Atoms? Atoms are the microscopic building blocks of the universe. They make up almost ANY material including solids, liquids, and gases! A human has more than 1 billion

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Static Electricity!

What is Static Electricity? Static electricity is naturally occurring electricity which is caused by the buildup of electrons. Electrons are the negatively charged parts of an atom. Atoms are the

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Masks! How They Keep Us Safe

What are Masks? Masks are a piece of cloth or paper that people wear to cover their noses and mouths. Wuh Lien-tuh was a Chinese doctor that invented masks in

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Pollen Allergies!

What is Pollen? Pollen is a sticky substance that is found inside of most flowering plants. Pollen is in the middle of the flower of the plant. Pollen is attached

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How Do Volcanoes Erupt?

How Do Volcanoes Erupt? Just a quick note, if you want to learn more about volcanoes, check out our episode on this very topic! First we have to talk about

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Bernoulli’s Principle!

What is Bernoulli’s Principle? Daniel Bernoulli was a famous scientist and discovered or property or principle of fluids and air. The thing that Bernoulli discovered that… Fast moving fluids or

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mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines!

What is a Vaccine? A vaccine is a weakened or dead virus or bacteria that gets injected in your body. Your immune system cells will fight the “virus” and you

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Different Types of Precipitation!

What is Precipitation? Precipitation is part of the water cycle. Precipitation is when the liquid water falls to the ground. This happens when a cloud becomes heavy and all the

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Lead Contamination in Water

What is Lead Contamination? Lead (pronounced l-e-d) contamination is when Lead, a poisonous chemical gets into the water that we drink or take baths in. Water can dissolve materials very

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The Internet!!

What is the Internet? The Internet is what you are using right NOW to read this blog post! The Internet is a series of computers that are linked together. Today,

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Air Pressure!

What is Air Pressure? Right now, as you are reading this, there are tons of air pushing down on you. That is air pressure. As you might know, the Earth

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What is a Tornado? Tornadoes are a rotating column of air that spins very fast. They are made up of a giant cloud that stretches from above to the ground.

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The 4 Seasons!

What are Seasons? Seasons are differences in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The Earth is slightly tilted. that is what causes the seasons! Places around the Earth experience the

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The Visible Light Spectrum!

What is the Visible Light Spectrum? The Visible Light Spectrum is all of the colors in white light! White light from the Sun and the lights in your house has

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Airplanes and Helicopters!

Airplanes Airplanes are machines that can fly with engine or propeller power. They are able to use aerodynamics (how air and objects move) to fly. Airplanes make it so that

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Birds! Masters of Flight

People Try to Fly!! Birds have inspired humans with their ability to fly! Humans have been trying to attach man-made wings and have been trying to fly like birds. Even

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Why Do Birds Migrate?

Migration of Animals Migration is when an animal goes from one place to another to escape climate patterns, to escape seasonal predators, or to find more food. Migration is key

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What are Flowers? Flowers are an assortment of petals and pollen that a plant produces to reproduce. The pollen of a flower contains the genetic information to make seeds and

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Run-Off of Water!!

What is Run-Off? Run-off is when precipitation (snow, rain sleet, or hail) hits the ground and drains into rivers, lakes, and oceans. This run-off is what causes accumulations or build-ups

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How is Paper Made?

What is Paper? You use paper just about everywhere you go! Paper has been around for thousands of years. Paper is just old trees that have been mashed up and

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Sand Dunes!

What are Sand Dunes? Have you ever seen a picture of a desert? Did the picture have these sand “waves”? Those wavy hill structures are called Sand Dunes. Sand Dunes

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What are Sinkholes? Sinkholes are large holes in the ground that form when water seeps into the ground. Limestone, a type of rock can dissolve very easily in water. As

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States of Matter!

The three states of Matter are solids, liquids, and gases. This will cover how the molecules will look like when they are in these different forms. Solids The molecules in

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Water’s 3 States of Matter!

Solid Water can be a solid! Water can be solid when the molecules in the water are packed tightly together. This usually happens when the water gets cold. A great

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How Do Airplanes Fly?

What are Airplanes? Airplanes are machines that can fly with engine or propeller power. They are able to use aerodynamics (how air and objects move) to fly. Airplanes make it

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What are Earthquakes and How Do They Happen? Earthquakes are energy that is released in the tectonic plate boundaries. Tectonic plates are giant slabs of rock that move around! The

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The Magnificent Trees!!

What are Trees and How Do They Help The World?  Trees are large plants that have a long life cycle. That’s why they are so big. The parts of trees

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Our Solar System!!!

What is Our Solar System? The Solar System is a system of planets, comets, dwarf planets, dust, gas, and asteroids that orbit the Sun. The Solar System is a giant pancake

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The Power of Computers!!

What are Computers and Who Invented Them? Computers are all around us. From our laptops to our everyday smartphones. A computer is an electronic device that reads and processes data.

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How Are Fossil Fuels Created?

What are Fossil Fuels? Fossil fuels are a liquid that is very easy to burn. That means that fossil fuels are flammable. These fuels are formed by decaying plants and

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Mountains: How They Are Formed!

What are Mountains? Mountains are tall slabs of rock that pop up on the crust. Mountains can be very tall or very small, depending on how they are formed. Mountains

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River Deltas!

What is a River Delta? A River Delta is a type of wetland where a river flows into a larger body of water like an ocean or lake. Deltas can

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Why is the Sky Blue?

Visible Light Spectrum The Visible light spectrum is the different colors in the white light that we see. The different colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

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FUN FACT Session!!!

Here are 8 FUN FACTS About Science!!!! When you chop something with a knife, the knife and the object don’t even touch. This is because electromagnetic forces are repelling each

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How Do Neon Signs Work?

What is Neon? Neon (Ne) is a colorless and odorless gas that makes up 18% of the air that we breathe! Neon is a noble gas, which means that it

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What is Helium? Helium (He) is an element that is found all over the universe. It is the second most-abundant element in the universe! It is also the second lightest

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What is Erosion? Erosion is when wind, water, or other natural agent wears away at rock and takes it to a new place. This take millions of years to happen.

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Microphones: A New Era of Sound

What is a Microphone? A microphone is a device that makes sound waves into electrical signals. These electrical signals are stored inside of a computer or other recording device. FUN

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Green Energy!!

What is Green Energy? Green Energy means a way to make power without polluting the atmosphere. Most power plants today use coal and gasoline to generate electricity. When they burn

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The 3 Types of Pollution

What is Pollution? Pollution is when humans and other animals cause harm to environment. They can spill harmful chemicals or throw waste everywhere. Pollution can cause harm to the living

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The Heart!

What is the Heart? The Heart is a part of your body that pumps blood around your body. This helps all of your other body parts like your brain function.

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What are Telescopes? Telescopes are devices that let people see things that are far away. People at sea also use telescopes. Telescopes are most commonly used to look at space.

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Vascular Plants!

What are Vascular Plants? Vascular plants are plants that have a series of tubes running through their stem/trunk to their leaves. These tubes or veins are what a plant uses

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The Fire Triangle!

REMEMBER, NEVER EVER use fire related products WITHOUT an ADULT’s help!!! What is the Fire Triangle? The Fire Triangle is a visual that represents what a fire needs to burn.

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What are Clouds? Clouds are made up of frozen water droplets that float high in the air. They make the cloud’s fluffy coating. There actually different types of clouds that

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Side Note!!: Roy G. Biv is the acronym for the colors of a rainbow! What are Rainbows? Rainbows are optical illusions that happen when light bends in water droplets and

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Titan!! One of Saturn’s Moons

What is Titan? Titan is the second-largest moon in the Solar System. Titan orbits around Saturn every 16 Earth days. Titan has entire oceans and seas of liquid Methane, a

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FUN Fact Session!!

We are writing a special blog post that has 10 FUN Facts!! So without further ado, the FUN Fact session!! FUN Facts!!! Did you know that… if you stacked up

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The Sun!!!

What is the Sun? The Sun is the center of the Solar System. The Sun is a star, just like all of the tiny glowing dots you see in the

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The Wonderful Water!!!

What is Water? Water is a substance that is found everywhere on Earth! It can be a solid, liquid, or gas. It is necessary for life on Earth. It’s chemical

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The Discovery of Penicillin

What is Penicillin? Penicillin is a type of Fungus that was used to treat bacterial infections. Bacterial infections are when bacteria infect the cells in your body. Penicillin is also

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What are Cells? Cells are the makeup of every living thing! There are two types of cells: plant and animal cells. We are going to talk about Cells in general.

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Permafrost and Climate Change

What is Permafrost? Permafrost, also known as Permanent Frost, is a layer of ice that stays frozen all year round. The Permafrost is mostly found near the North and South

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Pressure Cookers!

How Do Pressure Cookers Cook Food? Pressure cookers use the pressure of water vapor or steam trapped inside of a closed container to cook food like rice. As the water

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What are Bacteria? Bacteria are single-celled organisms or living things. They are also called microorganisms. They are called this because microorganisms are living things that can not be seen with

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The Super-Fungus, Yeast!!

Check out our episode about Yeast!! What is Yeast? Yeast is a eukaryote, a living thing, like us, and is a type of fungi. The cool thing about yeast is

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What are Auroras? Auroras are lights that are only found at the North Pole and the South Pole. They light up the night skies with red, blue, and pink colors!

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Non-Newtonian Fluids!!

NOTE: Check out our episode about Matter!! What is a Non-Newtonian Fluid? A Non-Newtonian fluid is a substance that behaves like a solid and a liquid! If force is applied

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Sound Waves

What are Sound Waves? Sound Waves are what sound travels in! They are little vibrations of air that travel through a medium or a material that it is travelling through.

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How Does Lightning Happen?

NOTE: Check out our episode about Thunderstorms!! How Does Lightning Happen? First, we have to start off with a storm cloud. Tiny pieces of ice, which are actually frozen water

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How Does a Refrigerator Work?

How Does A Refrigerator Work? A Refrigerator is a device that keeps food inside of it cool to preserve it. Here is how a Refrigerator works. First, a fluid called

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Where’d You Get That DNA??

NOTE: To learn more, check out our episode about DNA!! What is DNA? Deoxyribonucleic acid or for short DNA is what tells the cells in our body what to do and how

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2020 Space Science Wrap-Up!

Since 2020 is almost over, this blog post is to honor all of the Space events that happened in 2020. Here is the list: Total Solar Eclipse could be visible

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Tectonic Plates of the Earth

What are Tectonic Plates? Tectonic Plates are slabs of rock that are part of the crust, or the Earth’s outermost layer. Tectonic Plates helped form continents and mountains millions of

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The Effects of Climate Change

NOTE: Check out our episode about Climate Change to learn more! What is Climate Change? Climate Change is when the Earth’s temperature changes because of the environment. The temperature is

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How Do Microwaves Work?

Even though we use microwaves in our kitchens every day, it is still very fascinating once you know how these machines work. How Do Microwaves Heat Up Food? Microwaves are

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The Properties of Light

Reflection Reflection is the first property of light. This is when light bounces off a surface. Did you know that every time you see something, light is reflecting off the

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The Layers of the Earth

NOTE: Check out our episode about Planet Earth!! What are the layers of the Earth? Believe it or not, the Earth has layers just like an onion! Let’s start at

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December 2020: The Great Space Events

December 2020’s Space Events The cosmic events will be listed below with the dates. If you get to see these events, send us pictures at December 13-14: The Geminids

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Jupiter: The Gas Giant

NOTE: Check out this episode about Jupiter! What is Jupiter? Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. It comes after the Asteroid Belt. It is a gas giant which

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Viruses!!! DANGER!!!

What is a virus? A virus is infectious object that depends on living organisms’ cells to multiply. They are bad for living organisms and take over cells. What do viruses

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Chemical Changes of Matter

NOTE: Check out our episode on Matter to learn more! NOTE: We have wrote about Physical Changes of Matter. Please check it out! Matter Matter is anything that takes up

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Physical Changes of Matter

NOTE: Check out our episode on Matter to learn more! NOTE: We are going to write about Chemical Changes of Matter tomorrow! Matter Matter is anything that takes up space

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Lunar Eclipses

What is a Lunar Eclipse? A Lunar Eclipse is when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. The Sun is shining on the Earth and the Moon is behind the

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Solar Eclipses

What is a Solar Eclipse? A Solar Eclipse is a natural phenomenon when the Moon blocks part of or the full Sun when viewed from Earth. Solar Eclipses only happen

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Did Mars Once Have Water?

Mars Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is a terrestrial planet which means it is made out of rocks and metals. It is named after the Roman

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Moon Dust: Aaa…CHOO

The Moon Our moon is a natural satellite. This is a natural object that orbits or circles around a planet or star. The moon is believed to have been an

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Dry Ice

What is dry ice? Dry ice is not just regular ice, it is special! Dry ice is the solid or frozen form of Carbon Dioxide. This means that the gas

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It’s Raining Diamonds!!

On Uranus & Neptune, it rains… diamonds?!?!! You might think that it only rains diamonds in fairy tales or movies, but it turns out that it actually rains diamonds on

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Cheetah Speed!!

What is a cheetah? A cheetah is a mammal that mostly lives in the African Savanna. It is covered in spots and has black markings under its eyes. Cheetahs are

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Cloud Aliens on Venus!!

New Update On This Scientific Study! Read the post “Cloud Aliens on Venus? Maybe Not!” here! × Dismiss alert Believe it or not, there might be microbial life in the

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