Are Steam and Smoke the Same?

Are Steam and Smoke the Same?

The answer is no, they are not the same thing. Steam is the vapor that we see when water evaporates or turns from a liquid to a gas. When this happens, the molecules of water drift farther and farther apart from each other. That makes a gas. Steam, or water vapor, is only made up of tiny bits of water. Steam comes from boiling water or any other liquid that has water inside of it. Steam is juts water in a specific state of matter, a gas. Smoke, on the other hand, is usually produced when something is burned. Smoke is made up of bits of soot, and lots of other gases like Carbon dioxide. Smoke can have a variety of things that come from what the fire is burning and where the smoke is coming from. Smoke gets it’s color from the gases and materials that are inside of it. This is why steam and smoke are two different things.