Mars: More About The Big Red Planet

We are going to learn about “the big red planet” called Mars!

Introduction About Mars

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is a terrestrial planet which means it is made out of rocks and metals. It is named after the Roman God of War. The days and seasons on Mars are similar to the days and seasons on Earth. A year on Mars is 687 Earth days long.

Mars’ Atmosphere

The Martian atmosphere is weaker than Earth’s. An atmosphere is an invisible blanket of gases that surrounds planets. The atmospheric pressure or the weight of the atmosphere on Mars is only 6% of Earth’s atmospheric pressure.

Mars’ Surface

Mars’ surface has rocks and soil just like Earth but it is red! This is because Mars’ soil contains iron oxide which makes the soil and rocks red. That is why it is called “the red planet”.

Landforms on Mars

There are amazing landforms on Mars. The biggest volcano in the Solar System is located on Mars. It is called Olympus Mons. It is two and a half times larger than Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth. Valles Marineris is the largest canyon in the Solar System! It is over 1,864 miles (3,000 kilometers) long, 372 miles (600 kilometers) across, and 4 miles (6 kilometers) deep!


Mars has two moons. They are called Deimos and Phobos.

Past Microbial Life

Scientists believe that Mars may have had past microbial life. Scientists are still studying Mars to find out for certain.


In conclusion, Mars is still a mysterious planet. We only know a little about our neighbor. Scientists will learn more about the red planet and maybe one day, land a person on Mars.


NASA Mars Exploration Program (

NASA Valles Marineris: The Grand Canyon of Mars (