2nd Anniversary of the James Webb Space Telescope!

Today, July 12th, 2024 marks the 2nd anniversary of the James Webb Space Telescope. 2 years ago today, James Webb released its first image of deep space. James Webb released the “Penguin and Egg” galaxies today as part of the 2nd anniversary special. James Webb Telescope was launched on December 25th, 2021. It was developed …

Northern Lights Visible in U.S. Last Weekend! May 2024

Last weekend, the aurora borealis, also known as the Northern Lights were visible over the US, Canada, and down south in places such as Georgia and Florida. Auroras are lights that are only found at the North Pole and the South Pole. They light up the night skies with red, blue, and pink colors! These …

Longer Days In Summer: Explained!

Why are days longer in the summer? Right now, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, it may seem like the spring and summer days are dragging on with more daylight. Days are longer during the summer and shorter during the winter because of the Earth’s tilt. Earth is slightly tilted toward the Sun. As the Earth …

April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse!

A solar eclipse will be visible over parts of North and South America on, Monday, April 8th, 2024! This will be a total solar eclipse in the path of totality of the U.S. Learn more by visiting NASA’s eclipse website: science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024 If you want to watch an eclipse, make sure to use appropriate eye protection (linked to NASA Safety …

Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse! 2023

The “ring of fire” annular solar eclipse was earlier today! Check out yesterday’s post for more information. I watched the eclipse from where I live (with solar viewing glasses, of course). I couldn’t see the entire eclipse since I wasn’t in the path of it. It was truly a spectacular event! My question about solar …

Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse Tomorrow!

A solar eclipse will be visible over parts of North and South America tomorrow, Saturday October 14th! This will be a partial solar eclipse in many areas of the U.S. Learn more by visiting NASA’s eclipse website: https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2023/ If you want to watch an eclipse, make sure to use appropriate eye protection (linked to NASA …

What Are Meteor Showers and How Do They Happen?

Meteors are small bits of rock that enter Earth’s atmosphere and sometimes land on the ground. Meteors are also known as “shooting stars”. Meteor showers are caused by comets. Comets are giant balls of rocks and ice that orbit a star. They are made up of 3 main parts: the nucleus, the coma, and the …

Rate The Lunar Eclipse That Is Coming Up! November 8th, 2022

Get ready, because tonight, a total lunar eclipse is visible over the United States! Check out our post about lunar eclipses to refresh yourself. While you’re watching the lunar eclipse, use our worksheet, Rate a Lunar Eclipse, to use the Danjon Scale to rate what color the Moon is an how bright it is! Spectacular …

What Is Cellular Respiration?

Cellular respiration is the set of chemical reactions that break down glucose from our food into ATP or andosine triphosphate. The ATP is energy for the body. Cellular respiration requires Oxygen and glucose to start the cycle. Cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria or “powerhouse” of the cells. They take in the Oxygen and …

May 15-16 – Amazing Lunar Eclipse!

Yesterday was a total lunar eclipse over the United States! I was very excited for this eclipse to happen! Just a refresher, a lunar eclipse is when Earth’s shadow is cast on the Moon. This causes the Moon to appear red because of the light being scattered on Earth. This is called the “Blood Moon”. Before the …

Rate The Lunar Eclipse That Is Coming Up!

Get ready, because tonight, a total lunar eclipse is visible over the United States! Check out our post yesterday about lunar eclipses to refresh yourself. While you’re watching the lunar eclipse, use our worksheet, Rate a Lunar Eclipse, to use the Danjon Scale to rate what color the Moon is an how bright it is! …

How Does Earth’s Tilt Cause Seasons?

Seasons are different climate patterns that happen throughout different times in a year! Places on Earth experience seasons at different times. Some seasons are noticeable and others are not. We have seasons because the Earth is slightly tilted on its axis. An axis is an imaginary rod going from the top to the bottom where …

Why Is Earth The Only Planet In Our Solar System That Supports Life?

There are a few reasons why Earth is the only planet in the Solar System to support life. One is that Earth is located in the “Goldilocks Zone” from the Sun. The “Goldilocks Zone” is a specific distance from the Sun where it is not too hot or not too cold. It is just right! …

Why Will Your Weight Change If You Are On Another Planet?

Go to projects.spectacularsci.com/calculate-your-weight-on-planets to try out my new weight calculator on planets! This will tell you how much you will weigh if you are on another planet in the Solar System! If you try out the calculator, you might notice that your Earth weight differs from planet to planet! But, why does that happen? It …

How Do Black Holes Consume Stars and Matter?

A black hole is a place in space that is extremely dense and has a strong gravitational pull. This is because a lot of matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This usually happens when a star is dying. Black holes can suck in entire stars and planets! Black holes can be from the size of a single atom to …

What Are The Ways Moons Can Form?

A moon is a natural satellite that orbits around a larger object like a planet. A natural satellite is different from a human made satellite because natural satellites are produced naturally.  Moons usually have a stable orbit. This means that the rate of which the moon circles around the planet is just the right speed. …

What Causes Seasons?

Seasons are different climate patterns that happen throughout different times in a year! Places on Earth experience seasons at different times. Some seasons are noticeable and others are not. We have seasons because the Earth is slightly tilted on it’s axis. An axis is an imaginary rod going from the top to the bottom where …

Why Does The Sun Rise and Set?

The Sun rises and sets because of Earth’s rotation. The Earth and the planets orbit the Sun, but they also spin on their own axis,. The axis is the point from which the planet rotates on. Earth’s axis is tilted, which is what makes seasons! When the Earth spins, different sides of the planet experience …

How Do Telescopes Work?

Telescopes are devices that let people see things that are far away. People at sea also use telescopes. Telescopes are most commonly used to look at space. The inventor of the telescopes was Galileo Galilei. He invented the telescope with eyeglass parts. Telescopes work using light. Light is everywhere! The telescope has two mirrors. They …

How Does It Rain Diamonds On Uranus and Neptune?

You might think that it only rains diamonds in fairy tales or movies, but it turns out that it actually rains diamonds on Uranus and Neptune! These diamonds fall towards the cores of these planets! These diamonds are not the size of ring diamonds, they are the size of BOULDERS!!!! How in the universe does …

How Are Auroras Formed?

Auroras are lights that are only found at the North Pole and the South Pole. They light up the night skies with red, blue, and pink colors! These are known as “The Greatest Light Show on Earth!”. Auroras happen because of “solar winds”. The Sun releases a bunch of highly charged particles called electrons in …

The Amazing Telescopes! Changed Astronomy Forever

What are Telescopes? Telescopes are devices that let people see things that are far away. People at sea also use telescopes. Telescopes are most commonly used to look at space. The inventor of the telescopes was Galileo Galilei. He invented the telescope with eyeglass parts. How Do Telescopes Work? Telescopes work using light. Light is …

Why Are Days Longer in the Summer, Than the Winter?

Why Are Days Longer in the Summer, Than the Winter? Days are longer during the Summer and shorter during the Winter because of the Earth’s tilt. Earth is slightly tilted toward the Sun. As the Earth orbits, or circles around the Sun, different parts of the world get stronger or weaker amounts of sunlight. The …

What Happens During a Solar Eclipse?

What Happens During a Solar Eclipse? A Solar Eclipse is a natural phenomenon when the Moon blocks part of or the full Sun when viewed from Earth. Solar Eclipses only happen about 2-4 times every year. This includes from different parts of the world! Total Solar Eclipses are very rare. A Solar Eclipse happens in a specific …

How Can The Moon Change Color During a Lunar Eclipse?

What are Lunar Eclipses? A Lunar Eclipse is when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. The Sun is shining on the Earth and the Moon is behind the Earth. The Moon can appear to change color sometimes when it is a total Lunar Eclipse. How Does The Moon Appear to Change Colors? The Moon …

Spectacular Science DEBATE POST!! Moon Showdown! – Europa vs. Titan

This blog post is another a debate showdown! We take topics and make them into a debate!! Today’s topic is… Europa vs. Titan! Europa is one of Jupiter’s moons. Remember, please send us what moon you think is cooler by going to www.spectacularsci.com/debateform and fill out our form. Europa! Europa is one of Jupiter’s moons. It takes 85 …

Europa: One of Jupiter’s Moons!

What is Europa? Europa is one of Jupiter’s moons. It takes 85 hours to orbit Jupiter. Europa is mostly made of rocks and ice. The part that really got scientists interested is… water!! This water bursts out of the surface of the moon like jets of water. These eruptions release water. Europa Water Mystery Scientists …

2020 Space Science Wrap-Up!

Since 2020 is almost over, this blog post is to honor all of the Space events that happened in 2020. Here is the list: Total Solar Eclipse could be visible over South America Lunar Eclipse over North America Lots of Meteor showers were visible all over the world Summer: Days get longer The Great Conjunction …

December 2020: The Great Space Events

December 2020’s Space Events The cosmic events will be listed below with the dates. If you get to see these events, send us pictures at spectacularsci.com/contact. December 13-14: The Geminids Meteor Shower will reach its maximum number of meteors December 14: A total Solar Eclipse will be visible in South America December 21-22: Ursids Meteor …

The “Christmas Star”: The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

NOTE: This image has been zoomed in for maximum quality. What is the “Christmas Star”? The Christmas Star or the Great Conjunction is when Jupiter and Saturn get the closest in their orbit around the Sun. This only happens every 800 years, so this is a very rare event! The two planets look like a giant …

Is There Life on Venus? Maybe Not

NOTE: Check out our blog post called Cloud Aliens on Venus!!! This is an update to that post. What Did Scientists Find That Made Them Say That Life Is On Venus??? Scientists thought earlier that the clouds of Venus contained a chemical called Phosphine. Phosphine is when one Phosphorus atom is bonded or connected to three Hydrogen atoms. …

Cloud Aliens on Venus!!

New Update On This Scientific Study! Read the post “Cloud Aliens on Venus? Maybe Not!” here! × Dismiss alert Believe it or not, there might be microbial life in the clouds on Venus! Scientists have found microbes, or tiny living organisms in the clouds of Venus. Scientists have detected phosphine. Phosphine is when one phosphorous …