2nd Anniversary of the James Webb Space Telescope!

Today, July 12th, 2024 marks the 2nd anniversary of the James Webb Space Telescope. 2 years ago today, James Webb released its first image of deep space. James Webb released the “Penguin and Egg” galaxies today as part of the 2nd anniversary special. James Webb Telescope was launched on December 25th, 2021. It was developed …

Is There Life on Venus? Maybe Not

NOTE: Check out our blog post called Cloud Aliens on Venus!!! This is an update to that post. What Did Scientists Find That Made Them Say That Life Is On Venus??? Scientists thought earlier that the clouds of Venus contained a chemical called Phosphine. Phosphine is when one Phosphorus atom is bonded or connected to three Hydrogen atoms. …

Cloud Aliens on Venus!!

New Update On This Scientific Study! Read the post “Cloud Aliens on Venus? Maybe Not!” here! × Dismiss alert Believe it or not, there might be microbial life in the clouds on Venus! Scientists have found microbes, or tiny living organisms in the clouds of Venus. Scientists have detected phosphine. Phosphine is when one phosphorous …