Membership Sneak Peek! – The Fact of the Day

In this blog post, you will be getting a sneak peek of what the Spectacular Science Membership members get every day! It is the Fact of the Day!! Start your day with a mind-blowing science fact that will make you say “WOW”!

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Now, here is the sneak peek of a Fact of the Day!

How can we be taller in the morning than at night? It seems like we stay the same height throughout the day, but that is not true! We are about 2 millimeters taller in the morning than at night! How is this possible? It is all because of cartilage and gravity.

Cartilage is a rubbery material that makes up most of your body. Your nose and ears are made out of cartilage! It is a rubbery material that can get squished and can stretch out. Every day, the gravity of the Earth pushes down on us. That means that the cartilage in your body gets squished. As the day goes on, the cartilage in your body gets compressed or squeezed even more. That makes you shorter, since cartilage makes up a lot of our body. Then, when you sleep, the cartilage has a chance to spring back out and return to it’s original position. Then, in the morning, when you wake up, the cartilage in your body has stretched out, making you taller! This is why you are actually about 2 millimeters taller in the morning than you are at night!

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