Insulators and Conductors of Electricity!

What is an Electrical Circuit?

A circuit is a path that current electricity or electrons can flow through. Current electricity is a type of human-made electricity. A simple circuit is made out of four parts: the power source, wires, the load, and a switch! A simple circuit works by electrons, which are negatively charged, exit from the negative terminal of the power source. Then, the electrons flow through the wire to the load. The load is whatever is consuming the electricity. The electrons power the load and come through the switch. If the switch is open, no power flows through. If the switch is closed, the power flows through. Then, the electrons flow from the switch to the positive terminal of the power source. That is a simple circuit! We can use conductors and insulators to fill the gaps in circuits!


Insulators and materials that do not let electrons flow through them. Insulators are usually made out of polymers, or linked particles (only sometimes). Insulators are not used in wiring, but are used to coat the wires. That prevents us from getting shocked. Examples of insulators are rubber, cotton, plastic, and wood.


Conductors are materials that electrons can travel through easily. Conductors are usually made out of metals. Conductors are used in the electrical wiring itself! Humans are also conductors of electricity (that is very dangerous) That is why humans should wear insulators to protect themselves from electricity. Examples of conductors are gold, copper, silver, and iron!