Magnetic Domains!

What is Magnetism?

Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts or repels certain objects. Magnets attract or repel things made out of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Objects are magnetic because the electrons, which spin around an atom’s nucleus, are spinning in the same direction (they are all lined up). The spinning electrons create an invisible magnetic field, which can attract certain types of metal. The atoms in metals are lined up in the same direction, which means that the metals can stick to magnets. Magnets have 2 poles: a North and South pole. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other. Let’s take a look at the magnetic fields of attracting and repelling magnets!

What are Magnetic Domains?

Magnetic domains are tiny arrangements of atoms inside of certain metals like iron. Magnetic domains have tiny atoms with electrons that are spinning in the same direction. The magnetic domains line up when the metal is brought close to a magnet. Imagine magnetic domains as even tinier magnets inside of a metal that are jumbled up. When a magnet is brought near the material, the magnetic domains line up in the same direction. That is what makes certain metals and objects magnetic.