What Are The Effects of Deforestation?

Deforestation is when people cut down large areas of forests. These trees are cut down in a way called clearcutting. Clearcutting is when all of the trees in the area are completely gone. This can be done for new buildings, roads, logging, or farmland. Clearcutting and deforestation in general can be very bad for the planet. Thousands of animals lose their homes as well as their food sources. Deforestation can lead to erosion in clear-cut areas. This is because the tree roots usually hold hold the soil in place, but because the trees are cut down, there will be more erosion. Deforestation can also reduce the amount of Oxygen being made a Carbon dioxide being absorbed. Trees and plants absorb the Carbon dioxide and let out Oxygen, but when there are fewer trees, that does not happen as much. This is why we should slow down the deforestation of forests!