How Do Electric Rice Cookers Work?

Electric rice cookers work in a similar way as a pressure cooker. Read about pressure cookers here! (

The main parts of a basic electric rice cooker are the outer pot, inner pot, the heating element, lid, and button controls. The outer pot contains the heating element. The inner pot, where the uncooked rice goes, fits inside of the outer pot. The heating element heats up metal coils in the outer pot to make the inner pot hot. The lid keeps the steam from escaping. This builds up pressure. The heating element also contains temperature sensors that detect how hot the water inside of the inner pot is. When you put the water and rice in the inner pot, put on the lid, and slide it into the outer pot, you can turn the cooker on to start the cooking. The heating element heats up the water until it boils. That creates steam or water vapor! The heating element senses that the water is at its boiling point and turns off the heat. After that, the rice cooks in the pressure of the steam. There is a little hole in the top of the lid that lets out a little bit of steam. This is because if too much pressure builds up, the cooker may explode! This is how a electric rice cooker works! It is more efficient than a pressure cooker because it does not require a stove and the electric cooker is more portable. The electric cooker also cooks rice faster!