LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode! LED lights work because the jumping of electrons creates photons, or light. Electrons, which make up electricity, jump from an electron full side to an electron lacking side across a junction or connector. When the power is applied to the junction, the electron lacking side wants to be filled up with electrons from the electron full side. This is because when the power is applied, the electrons jump into action and are ready to move! During this process, the light which we see gets created! Think of it this way: as the electrons jump from the electron full side to the electron lacking side through the junction, the active electrons create photons or light!
LED lights are a better type of light because they last longer and are more efficient. LED lights last up to 50,000 hours! They are able to last this long because they don’t have working parts that will break or burn out over time. They are very efficient because they only use a small amount of electricity compared to other types of lightbulbs.