Living things are also called organisms! Humans, plants, and even bacteria are great examples of living things. But, what determines that a thing is living? There are a few characteristics that make things living. One is that they are made out of cells. Living things are ALL made out of cells. Cells are tiny building blocks of life that help the organism maintain its body functions and to just keep it alive. The next characteristic is that they have DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. Living things have a genetic code. This genetic code is passed down from generation to generation. The next characteristic is that they are able to grow and reproduce. Living things grow larger in size and also develop (change very slightly over time). Organisms also have to reproduce to be able to continue their species and to survive. The next characteristic is that they respond to stimuli or the environment. Living things can react and respond to the environment around them. Living things also adapt over time. Organisms evolve or change over long periods of time. Organisms also make their own energy or eat food to gain energy. The last characterize of living things are maintain internal balance or homeostasis. Homeostasis is when a living thing’s body remains stable inside regardless of outside conditions. They maintain and sustain their body. These are the characteristics of living things! Below are a few examples of living things!