Episode 158: Is It Really a New Year? According to Science

Happy new year! It’s 2024 now, but is it really? Is January 1st really the start of a the new and the start of a new circle of orbit for the Earth? In this episode, I take you behind the science of the new year, Earth’s orbit, and revealing what science says about the new year!

Find the 2023 Recap of Spectacular Science here: https://spectacularsci.com/2023/12/recap-of-2023/

Here is an article! It is called “How Do Planets Orbit Around The Sun?” (https://spectacularsci.com/2022/01/planets-orbit/)

Here is an activity! It is called “Earth Orbit Model”. (https://spectacularsci.com/2024/01/earth-orbit-model-activity/)

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