2nd Anniversary of the James Webb Space Telescope!

Today, July 12th, 2024 marks the 2nd anniversary of the James Webb Space Telescope. 2 years ago today, James Webb released its first image of deep space. James Webb released the “Penguin and Egg” galaxies today as part of the 2nd anniversary special.

James Webb Telescope was launched on December 25th, 2021. It was developed by NASA, ESA, CSA, and is operated by the Space Telescope Science Institute.

James Webb observes distant galaxies and stars using infrared light. This gives scientists a new perspective on the universe. This helps uncover the mysteries of our universe, how it formed, and much more! James Webb uses many sensors and large mirrors to take pictures of distant objects in our universe.

Watch this Spectacular Science video to learn more about James Webb and the new “Penguin and Egg” galaxies image!

Note: This video was released after this blog post was published