Materials: Directions: This activity is all about envisioning the future! After doing some research about AI, write or draw what you think AI will be like in the future? Will it help injured people walk again? Will it give you a robot dog? Make sure to include multiple benefits of AI in your drawing/writing. Send …
Category Archives: Activities
Discovering Infinity Mirrors
Materials: Directions: Time to investigate infinity mirrors! First, watch the Spectacular Science video about infinity mirrors. (linked below) Now, move on to the activity. Put on mirror parallel to the other and see what happens! Now, put your smartphone on selfie mode and point the screen towards a mirror? In both investigations, you should see …
Triangle Truss Building Challenge! Activity
Materials: Directions: Use popsicle sticks to build 2 bridges! Use a triangle truss side and supports for one of them and don’t use triangles in the other one. Now, test the strength of the bridges using weights or other heavy objects. Which bridge is stronger? Remember to start small! Send me your observations and results …
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Examples of Heat Transfer Worksheet
Materials: Spectacular Science Heat Transfer Examples Worksheet (Click here!) Directions: Print out the worksheet. Then, use the blanks to list out examples of the 3 types of heat transfer!
Observing Colors Around You! Activity
Materials: Directions: While you are in the car, notice the signs and lights around you. Look at brake lights, stop signs, warning signs, traffic lights, and even power poles! What kind of colors do you see? Is there a pattern of what specific colors you see that are associated with different symbols/tasks? Record your results! …
Animal Family Trees! Activity
Materials: Directions: Modern-day animals all evolved from common ancient ancestors! Your job is to map out an animal’s family tree! Choose any animal you want to do a family tree for. Then, with an adult, research facts about the animal’s ancestors and origins online. Then, make your family tree on paper. Make it colorful as …
Miller-Urey Experiment Diagram Worksheet!
Materials: Spectacular Science Miller-Urey Experiment Diagram Worksheet (Click here!) Directions: Fill in the blanks on the diagram of the experiment located on your worksheet. Use the Spectacular Science video for information.
The Solution to Space Junk! Activity
Materials: Direction: Watch the Spectacular Science episode and take notes if needed. Then, brainstorm your own solution for cleaning up space junk! Take inspiration from what scientists are currently doing and use it in your own design. Remember to take into consideration the challenges your product might face in space! Send me some of your …
Calories Scavenger Hunt!
Materials: Directions: Time to go on a scavenger hunt! Gather up packaged foods in your house and look at the nutrition facts. Note down calories and other important information. Compare the information. Do you see any patterns? Send me your findings at!
Cellular Respiration Worksheet Activity!
Materials: Spectacular Science Cellular Respiration Worksheet (Click here!) Directions: Print the worksheet out and fill in the blanks on the sheet.
Shooting Stars in a Jar! Activity
Materials: Directions: Pour water about 3/4 of the way into the large jar. Then, pour cooking oil into the small jar and fill it up. Then, squeeze drops of different color food coloring inside of the oil. Now, close the small jar with the lid and shake it to mix everything! Make sure to have …
Hydrothermal Systems Worksheet! Activity
Materials: Spectacular Science Hydrothermal Systems Worksheet (Click here!) Directions: Print out the first page. Fill in the blanks.
Make a Barometer! Activity
Materials: Watch the portion of the video below to do the activity! Directions: Cut the neck of the balloon off. Then, wrap it on the opening of the jar. Use a rubber band to secure it. Then, tape the straw on top of the balloon. Prop up a piece of cardstock or steady paper. Mark …
Telescopes Worksheet! Activity
Materials: Spectacular Science Telescopes Worksheet (Click here!) Directions: Print out the first page. Fill in the blanks.
Hot and Cold Water Density Ocean Currents! Experiment
Watch this portion of my video below to check out this fun science experiment! Materials: Directions: Fill up one of the bottles with cold water and dye it blue. You can also use any color you want. Fill up the other bottle with hot water and dye it yellow. You can also use any color …
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How Did The Moon Form? Activity
Materials: Directions: It’s time for you to be a scientist! Scientists come up with theories to prove something. The Moon formation is a great example of this. Scientists use computer, or hands on simulations to explain these phenomena. Your job is to make your own simulation using play-doh or modeling clay to explain how the …
Draw The Surface of Europa! Activity
Materials: Directions: Scientists and researchers rely on artists to develop 3D models or artist renderings of designs, spacecraft, and even planets/moons! Your job is to use the information you know about Europa (research more if you want to!) and draw your own artists rendering of the surface of Europa. Remember, it has to look realistic …
Hearing Sounds Underwater! Activity
Materials: Directions: Take the plastic water bottle and cut the bottom off. There should be only the neck of the bottle and a large opening on the bottom after cutting. Then, submerge the small opening (the part you drink out of) in the bowl of water. Hold it to your ear. Then, have a helper …
Mixing Colored Lights Activity!
Materials: Directions: In this activity, you will learn about RGB lighting and how these colors mix together. Turn on the colored lights and shine them in separate spots on the wall. Next, try bringing two lights close to one another until they start to overlap on the wall. Do you notice a color change? Try …
Make Your Own Craters! Activity
Materials: Directions: Make and observe your own impact craters! Pour the flour, cocoa powder, or sand in multiple layers in the baking pan. Make sure they are layered property. Next, throw the ball or rock at the “surface” of your planet or moon. Observe the layers of the impact crater. Also, try throwing the ball …
Auroras – Labelling Worksheet Activity
Materials: Spectacular Science Life Cycle of a Star Worksheet (Click here!) Directions: Print out the first page. Label the diagram of aurora formation on the worksheet. Use the following words: North Magnetic Pole, South Magnetic Pole, Charged Particles, and Atmosphere. Then use the answer key to check your answers. Use the video below to help you.
Life Cycle of a Star Worksheet
Materials: Spectacular Science Life Cycle of a Star Worksheet (Click here!) Directions: Print the worksheet out and draw pictures representing the life cycle of a star. To learn more about stars and if Jupiter could turn into one, watch the Spectacular Science video below!
Fruit Color Scavenger Hunt! Activity
Materials: Directions: Watch the Spectacular Science video. Now, go on a scavenger hunt and look for fruits that are different colors. Note down the size, shape, color, and name of the fruit. Now, use your thinking skills to determine if there is a specific reason that fruit is that color? An example is red berries. …
What Gets Hotter First? Color Experiment!
I demonstrated the concept of darker colors absorb more heat than lighter colors by doing a demo on the video! Check it out below. Want to do it at home? Here are some directions. Materials: Directions: Lay out both sheets of paper outside on the concrete or grass on a sunny day. If you have …
Continue reading “What Gets Hotter First? Color Experiment!”
At-Home Solar Eclipse! Activity
Materials: Check out the video below to start the activity! Directions: Watch the Spectacular Science video (above) explaining how solar eclipses happen. Now, time to make your own, at home! You will need a few helpers for this. First, take the flashlight and point it at the smaller ball (Moon). Then, put the bigger ball …
Separate Marker Colors Activity!
Materials: Use the Spectacular Science video below about color and the experiment bit for directions! Just click play and it will automatically start at the experiment bit of the epispde!
Draw a Fire Triangle! Activity
Materials: Directions: In the Spectacular Science video, you will see a picture of a fire triangle, a diagram that represents the things needed for fire to burn! Your job is to create your own fire triangle drawing! Use the episode for information and be sure to add extra information to it as well! I would …
Soap Molecule Drawing! Activity
Materials: Some soap molecules, the things that make up soap, asked Akshay to paint a picture of them. Akshay needs your help!! Try to draw a picture of what you think the soap molecules look like! Use the episode and the article to help you with your drawing. Remember, soap molecules have a hydrophilic (water …
Absolute Zero Diagram! Activity
Materials: Directions: Time to make a diagram of what atoms look like at absolute zero! Use the art supplies and the Spectacular Science video below to illustrate how atoms react at such cold theoretical temperatures.
Memory Mind Map! Activity
Materials: Directions: Try to remember one of your memories. Once you have recalled the memory, use the art supplies to draw that memory out! Include pictures, words, and maybe even quotes! Try to describe the memory using art! Then, take a look at the finished product! You actually used a LOT of parts of your brain …
Evolution Souvenir Scavenger Hunt! Activity
Materials: Directions: Time to look for evolution souvenirs! These are traits that are left over from previous ancestors due to evolution. They are also known as vestigial features. These vestigial traits are hidden in the human body and even in other animals! Your job is to go on a scavenger hunt and find out these …
Continue reading “Evolution Souvenir Scavenger Hunt! Activity”
Earth Orbit Model! Activity
Materials: Directions: Start of the new year with this activity! Make a model of Earth’s orbit around the Sun with your materials. You can even use the styrofoam balls for extra decoration! Use the Spectacular Science video below for more information!
Will It Snow? Activity
Materials: Note: This activity is best if you live in an area where it sometimes snows. If you do not, use another location as your weather data source. Directions: Time to be a meteorologist and attempt to predict the weather! Have an adult help you get weather reports for your location. Then, examine the reports …
Tsunami Poster!
Materials: Directions: Make a poster educating people about tsunamis and how they are formed. Make your poster colorful and appealing! Some of my favorite posters might be featured on this website! Have an adult help you to send me pictures of your poster by emailing me at Use the Spectacular Science episode to help you!
Diagram the Water Cycle!
Materials: Directions: Time to make a diagram of the water cycle. Use art supplies, paper, and your creative mind to make a diagram! Use the Spectacular Science video below for more information!
Be a Botanist Activity!
Materials: Directions: Time to be a botanist, or a scientists who studies plants. Use your observing eyes to notice features about plants. Are they lacking an important resource? Are the doing well? Sketch pictures of the plants and write down observations. Share your observations with your friends and family! Good job! You’re a botanist. Use …
Why There Are Seasons Worksheet!
Materials: Spectacular Science Why There Are Seasons Worksheet (Click here!) Directions: Print the worksheet out (only page 1) and fill in the blanks. Check your answers with the answer key on the next page. Use the video about why days get shorter in the winter (located below) to help fill in the answers easier.
Mummify an Apple!
Materials: Safety note: This activity uses sharp cutting tools. Need adult supervision. DO NOT EAT anything in this activity. Directions: Have an adult help make holes in the apple. Make sure they are deep enough so that the moisture can escape. You can even carve your apple to have a face! Then, mix 1/2 cup …
Find a Maple Tree Activity!
Materials: Directions: Time to hunt for maple trees! Be like a scientists a use clues to find maple trees. Scientists in the field use reference pictures. See some of the reference pictures below. Look for the pattern of the leaves to identify a maple. This is a fun scavenger hunt-like activity! Have fun!